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Web Diva I've been doing accounting for the past hour and a half! 8-|
Sep 12

Geffers G I recall Web Diva mentioning The Big Short when we were discussing movies. I watched that yesterday, incredible how complicated banking finance works, similar to Government finance where it is all about confidence in the product. I'm not sure whether the main subjects in the movie, Mark Baum and Michael Burry really had any bearing on the collapse, they merely profited from foresight. Referring to my previous comment about confidence in the product, I have often cited an imaginary scenario whereby an art collector proudly displays a Rembrandt painting on his wall, boasting as to how many millions it is worth. One day an expert with a magnifying glass examines the artwork and declares it is fake, a copy. Nothing has changed, the painting is still there, same frame, hangs on the same wall but now worth nothing rather than millions. The expert doesn't visit that day and painting still worth millions, funny how it works.
Jul 7

PengieTech Editor updated. Should be fine. :)
December 16, 2023

Mark Ransome Happy Friday and weekend all! :D
May 10

Lady X Overwatch 2 players, thoughts on the new Mythic system?
Apr 26

Drac Morbis To all the haters of A.I.: stop watching Terminator and Wargames. If computers were going to take over, they already would have. lol
Apr 13

fords8 Hey everyone. Been busy the last few weeks.
May 24, 2023