Surprising Users of Linux

  • Leader
    April 29, 2024 11:35 PM PDT

    We are so used to Windows or Macs on our home computers that it may surprise you as to some of the famous companies and organisations that actually use Linux.  Click the link below for a list of 30 companies that rely on Linux for their business, many will surprise you (NASA for one).



  • Member
    April 30, 2024 7:41 AM PDT
    Geffers G said:

    We are so used to Windows or Macs on our home computers that it may surprise you as to some of the famous companies and organisations that actually use Linux.  Click the link below for a list of 30 companies that rely on Linux for their business, many will surprise you (NASA for one).



    That's an extensive/impressive list of companies and organizations that use Linux.  Show's that there isn't anything better if NASA uses it. :)