Quora, what happened to it?

  • Leader
    February 4, 2024 2:15 PM PST

    I can recall coming across Quora around 2008 to 2011.  I really didn't find it very helpful, and then it just didn't come up much when I did a search on a topic.

    Here's a good article explaining what happened to this behemoth website dedicated to answering quality questions. 


    Most people have encountered Quora in some form, whether they know it or not: in Google search results, in writing samples from famous authors, or perhaps in reprints of certain Q&As in digital publications, like Slate. One of those Slate-via-Quora contributors, author and researcher Erica Friedman, joined the site back in 2011, when it was “starting to get a little bit of new traffic” thanks in part to Yahoo Answers’ decline in reliability and activity. This, she said, allowed Quora to stand out as an accuracy-focused, knowledge-centric text platform. That was a unique offering in an age when Facebook and Twitter were coming to dominate the social internet, and YouTube was doing its own thing.

    It's been years since I've come across Quora.  Did you ever use it and the big question is, did you trust the answers?