The FCC can now punish telecom providers for charging customers more for less

    • Moderator
    • 358 posts
    November 16, 2023 7:57 PM PST

    This is a controversial new rule by the FCC in America.

    The FCC was nearly divided on the new set of rules, as it passed with a 3-2 vote. Critics of the new policy argue the rules are an overextension of the FCC’s power. Jonathan Spalter, the CEO of USTelecom, says the FCC is “taking overly intrusive, unworkably vague, and ultimately harmful steps in the wrong direction.” Spalter adds the framework “is counter” to Congress’ goal of giving customers equal access to the internet.

    I've also read that the FCC and the current administration does not intend to stop here on the control of the internet.  I have also read that the plan is for everyone to have internet connection by 2030.  That's just an ubiquitous year that pops up in a lot of places if you are plugged in to the news and some organizations that want to make major changes to the world by 2030.


    • 15 posts
    November 20, 2023 9:13 PM PST

    2030 sounds more and more terrifying by the day. I would have to do more research on this particular situation to understand it fully, but I wish providers could just focus on providing better service in general, without the only justification being racial statistics, as is often the only looked at factor anymore. I also fear with each and every, "improvement" the government aims to make with their 2030 goals in mind, will cost an equivalent freedom in the process.