Stunning views of mountains approaching San Diego International Airport - British Airways flight BA273 from London Heathrow to San Diego on Monday 4th November 2019. Aircraft is a Boeing 747 and a view out of the right side window as we approach over mountains then see commercial San Diego as we land.
Video is 5m 43s
Geffers G said: Stunning views of mountains approaching San Diego International Airport - British Airways flight BA273 from London Heathrow to San Diego on Monday 4th November 2019. Aircraft is a Boeing 747 and a view out of the right side window as we approach over mountains then see commercial San Diego as we land. Video is 5m 43s GeffersGreat video!!
Glad you enjoyed. Such an iconic aircraft too.
Geffers G said: Glad you enjoyed. Such an iconic aircraft too. GeffersIndeed, enjoyable and the Boeing 747 has been around awhile, hasn't it? I bet there's a story behind the numbers used to name this aircraft too?
Web Diva said:
Geffers G said: Glad you enjoyed. Such an iconic aircraft too. Geffers
Indeed, enjoyable and the Boeing 747 has been around awhile, hasn't it? I bet there's a story behind the numbers used to name this aircraft too?
Very brief explanation.
Geffers G said:Nice!! I had no idea... love trivia like that!Web Diva said:Very brief explanation. GeffersGeffers G said: Glad you enjoyed. Such an iconic aircraft too. GeffersIndeed, enjoyable and the Boeing 747 has been around awhile, hasn't it? I bet there's a story behind the numbers used to name this aircraft too?
The 300 and 400 departments were designated as the company’s propeller aircraft division, 500 was devoted to turbine engine development, and 700 (the ones commercial passengers are most familiar with) was dedicated to the newly developed jet transport aircraft division.