When the data is WRONG

    • 268 posts
    October 2, 2023 11:13 AM PDT

    Some years back in UK I received a bill from my tax office requiring payment for some undeclared profit on an investment.

    After some considerable effort on my part it was found the tax office had mistakenly connected an investment of someone with a similar name to my tax affairs.  Of course no apology or compensation from tax office, if fact, for the next few years it actually gave me extra work.

    The moral is, incorrect data can be a nightmare.

    a 12 minute video outlining the potential problems when they do get it wrong.




    • Moderator
    • 358 posts
    October 3, 2023 1:51 PM PDT
    Geffers G said:

    Some years back in UK I received a bill from my tax office requiring payment for some undeclared profit on an investment.

    After some considerable effort on my part it was found the tax office had mistakenly connected an investment of someone with a similar name to my tax affairs. Of course no apology or compensation from tax office, if fact, for the next few years it actually gave me extra work.

    The moral is, incorrect data can be a nightmare.

    a 12 minute video outlining the potential problems when they do get it wrong.



    Thank you Geffers for the video. Getting ready to watch it now.

    I can totally empathize with the disruption in your life you went through to try and correct that error. I went through a situation very similar many years ago. It wasn't through the tax office but it involved multiple fraud charges on a credit card over 3K. This was a time I couldn't afford any assistance or an attorney to help me to prove these weren't my charges it took almost a year of painful time consuming correspondence and phone calls to get the charges removed from my credit card.

    Fraud can be very painful and frustrating to resolve. I'm glad you got your tax issue resolved, but sorry it took so much time out of your life to fight the issue. An apology would have been nice.
    • Moderator
    • 358 posts
    October 3, 2023 2:05 PM PDT

    I just watched your video.  Data Brokers and the government buying our personal information from the data brokers.  Wow!!  Very scary stories what have happened to people that data mining procured and prosecuted these people putting in the position of trying to fix and get their lives back.

    The internet/big brother has just a broad license to our data.  We of course freely share our own data, however, not expecting it to be used against us. This is that slippery slope of the laws in both the UK and the US for what we post online versus their interpretation of "their" truth and interpretation of our data.

    Naomi Brockwell had good solutions in the end of this video on how we can protect our data.

    Thank you for sharing!

    • 268 posts
    October 4, 2023 11:26 AM PDT

    Web Diva said: I just watched your video. Naomi Brockwell had good solutions in the end of this video on how we can protect our data. Thank you for sharing! 

    She posts many decent videos about online security, much beyond my full understanding but makes one cautious.


    This post was edited by Geffers G at October 4, 2023 11:27 AM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 358 posts
    October 4, 2023 3:05 PM PDT

    She's very good and I can't pretend I understand it all either, but at least Naomi gives direction on how to be safe online.  I just watched her scammer video that you posted.  All good info!