Complacency is our greatest danger when dealing with online security. With so many credit card and bank details being stored online we are all targets, not just the wealthy.
Eye opening video (13 minutes duration).
Geffers G said:
Complacency is our greatest danger when dealing with online security. With so many credit card and bank details being stored online we are all targets, not just the wealthy.
Eye opening video (13 minutes duration).
Must admit any finance pages I chick the padlock and check the certificate, might be paranoia but some clones sites are very realistic so checking the CA certificate doesn't take too long.
Geffers G said: Must admit any finance pages I chick the padlock and check the certificate, might be paranoia but some clones sites are very realistic so checking the CA certificate doesn't take too long. GeffersVery smart to include your caution on finance pages and institutions!
Screen shot from Naomi's discussion on scams. Looking at the recipient address on email is soooo important before you reply to an email with info. I get some emails from Federal Express, but obviously not FedEx, and they said I have a package etc. and wanted information from me to confirm the package. Nah-huh...I look at the return email address first. Hackers are very savy to make their emails look real to the unaware. Data brokers are scary.
Good video and reminder that we are always targets, no matter our financial status. Also appreciated the reminder to not use services that collect all of your data like Google, Facebook etc. and to use your best judgement so you aren't falling into a honeypot.
Thank you, Geffers!