Branding your user name- do's and do not's.

    • Moderator
    • 358 posts
    August 19, 2023 7:06 AM PDT

    The user name you use as a member from one website to another connects you to the posts you make.  If you are posting with a number of the same members from website to another, member friends naturally build up a familiarity with you.  Some people don't keep the same user name from one website to another, while others enjoy building their brand name.  Either way, that's an individual choice and can work well on so many levels.

    Here is the "however" part.  If you are a business owner, website founder/owner/ or represent a website as admin/moderator what is the best way to keep your brand well known and respected?  Some members are very vocal about politics and their position on topics, for example, while others chose to stay neutral.  I think this type of position works well but also depends on the website. 

    Is it best to remain neutral on tough topics if you are a website owner or moderator or should you share your position on tough topics?  Are there really do's and do not's to making posts on polarizing topics?

    This post was edited by Web Diva at August 20, 2023 8:45 AM PDT