The phrase - You'll own nothing and be happy is used quite a bit nowadays, particularly in relation to digital media.
Kindle owners may be aware that from 26th February (why not 28th?) you will not be able to back up your books to a non Kindle device.
This is an interesting 14 minute video on the subject of digital books and the potential pitfalls of not owning the book.
Welcome to the WEF and their complete determination to lead us into owning nothing, renting everything, living in small rooms, limited means on everything including the joy of eating bugs. No thank you!
When they take away books and the bible or other faith based books, they are able to take more control, as well as holding the public more dependent as the people have less knowledge.
I have your video open, thanks. I'll take a look at it now. Funny, it opened up discussing the WEF right away.