This is an incredible radio controlled model of the iconic Concorde aircraft operated by British Airways and Air France.
I love this, amazing engineermanship (that's not a word, is it?), guess it's not, it's underlined, amazing engineering and creativity to create the concord by radio control.
Engineermanship sound superb to me, is it a verb or adjective
I had to take a moment and think about the base words in engineer-manship and see how to answer your question if it's a verb, adjective or maybe even a noun? I think we have a new hybrid word, lol. "Manship" is a suffix meaning "art or practice competitive nature", yes, I had to look that up and that would mean if an engineer is a noun and then paired with "manship" that would be like saying an engineer is displaying or showing an example of their skills like "workmanship". Workmanship is a noun, good grief. I think engineermanship can be used as a noun, verb and adjective depending on the sentence? Maybe?
That was an in depth explanation 😎
English grammar was not a strong subject of mine at school but as an adult I try to use it correctly. I tend to be fairly good but through experience, not necessarily knowledge as to why.
Lol....yeah, I kind of went deep in grammar on that one....I was intrigued by your grammar suggestion and worked it out while I was writing. You are a good writer! Math was not a strong subject of mine, especially after algebra and geometry.
Math - we in UK always use the plural version maths. Odd how slight difference, Noticed too you refer to Road Work ahead, again we in UK use the plural Road Works.
Thinking simply re the math/maths usage, my reason is that for a calculation I'm thinking one needs at least two numbers otherwise it is just a number so maths makes sense bur it is what you are used to.
Plain arithmetic was always a strong point of mine, I am pretty good with numbers, before I became interested in compurters I was always playing with figures, calculations etc
I never noticed the plural of maths in use but now I'll be paying attention, interesting! "Road work", versus "road works", also interesting to learn.
On math, what gets me is "imaginary numbers". My husband is excellent in advanced math so every once in awhile I'll get a little "maths" lesson but I still don't get imaginary numbers. That still is a "why" for me lol?
I'm good with all of the basics and accounting. I posted a Mr. Bean meme on the Konnexu funny thread about accounting yesterday.
All forms of math is fascinating as there's always a right answer. The problem with grammar is there's always an exception to the rule, however, I have always excelled in grammar.
One I often post on social media when people refer to government debt is the enormity of a trillion.
60 seconds = 1 minute
86400 seconds = 1 day
Trillion seconds is 30 thousand years (and a wee bit more) - US owes $36 trillion, mind boggling.
That's mind boggling! I think our US debt goes up a trillion every two or three months? That's insane and truly on the top of my list for national security.