Type 2 Diabetes - Dr Dhand

    • 259 posts
    September 25, 2024 2:14 AM PDT

    Here is another 8 minute gem from Dr Suneel Dhand on how our food and drug industry is effectively driving us towards a type 2 diabetes epidemic along with our own lifestyle choices.




    • Moderator
    • 348 posts
    September 26, 2024 9:47 AM PDT
    Geffers G said:

    Here is another 8 minute gem from Dr Suneel Dhand on how our food and drug industry is effectively driving us towards a type 2 diabetes epidemic along with our own lifestyle choices.




    Great video!  I was familiar with fasting glucose and HbAIC, but the Homa-IR is new which I'm going to look up.

    Food is a driver of all of our maladies or staying well, indeed.  Not only is it important on what you eat, but your activity and physical fitness.  I don't miss a day getting my two miles in on the treadmill. 

    Also interesting is neuroplasticity that you can change your neurons by changing your ways.

    Thanks Geffers!!