Couldn't make this up

    • 268 posts
    July 12, 2024 11:08 AM PDT

    My long time bankers are pulling out of the credit card sector for some reason in September so I thought I'd apply for another to replace.

    One bank offered to check suitability without affecting credit score so went through, result stated I was eligible but at that point I didn't proceed.  Got badgered by emails to continue application so couple of days later I clicked the link to continue, after a couple more questions I got 'Oops, something went wrong, not successful at this time', looked like a web page error so clicked again, got the same message.  Now definitely nothing wrong with my credit rating so puzzled but thought I'd apply via different means.

    Couple of days later get an email welcoming me to the bank, then Thursday I get my PIN number but today (Friday) was comical, I got three letter through the post, two were identical except for differing reference numbers, saying thanks for applying but that I was unsuccessful and gave me advice as to how credit scores were assessed.

    The third letter contained my credit card with instructions how to activate and subsequently use it.

    The mind boggles.



    • Moderator
    • 358 posts
    July 13, 2024 7:41 AM PDT

    OMG, that whole process you just went through freaks me out, like I'm thinking is this legit or what reading your story?  Yeah, bewildering system.  I'm glad in the end it worked out. 

    • 268 posts
    July 13, 2024 11:39 AM PDT
    Web Diva said:

    OMG, that whole process you just went through freaks me out, like I'm thinking is this legit or what reading your story?  Yeah, bewildering system.  I'm glad in the end it worked out. 

    All legit companies, a bank, Capitol One, issues on behalf of well known organisations.  I suspected a web page error but had this once before.  Bought a bed that did not get authorised on one card  (Not a credit issue, just an authorisation issue), used an alternative card which went through fine.

    The original card still debited my account, got it back without issue but not authorised yet still debited.




    • Moderator
    • 358 posts
    July 14, 2024 11:29 AM PDT
    Geffers G said:
    Web Diva said:

    OMG, that whole process you just went through freaks me out, like I'm thinking is this legit or what reading your story?  Yeah, bewildering system.  I'm glad in the end it worked out. 

    All legit companies, a bank, Capitol One, issues on behalf of well known organisations.  I suspected a web page error but had this once before.  Bought a bed that did not get authorised on one card  (Not a credit issue, just an authorisation issue), used an alternative card which went through fine.

    The original card still debited my account, got it back without issue but not authorised yet still debited.



    That's a confusing charge process on your purchase.  Glad it worked out just fine.