Chinese Female Tyre Mechanic

    • 268 posts
    June 26, 2024 1:42 AM PDT

    This is quite fascinating, came up on my timeline and I've watched a few of her videos.

    Slightly built lady who achieves some very manual tasks in her mechanic role, appears to always be smiling too.



    • 268 posts
    June 26, 2024 3:50 PM PDT

    Here is another 8 minute video of same woman changing yet another truck tyre out on the road.

    This one she is quite physical too.



    • Moderator
    • 358 posts
    June 26, 2024 6:32 PM PDT

    Wow!!  I'm so impressed with their skill set, strength, steadfastness and how organized they are with every part of the tire replacement process. 

    They both seem proud and happy to get the job done.  That's hard to find talent these days, plus unique talent too!

    • 268 posts
    June 27, 2024 1:46 AM PDT

    She posts under the youtube name of @mechanicmia - not sure how she gets all the videos as many feature her arriving of leaving scenes, wonder also if another person involved when she is actually working.

    Same video channel also features women driving and unloading large semi-trucks of scrap metal.

    Here is another very odd one, she doesn't look quite so comfortable here and I wasn't sure if same woman.


    • Moderator
    • 358 posts
    June 27, 2024 9:51 AM PDT

    She's amazing too. Very efficient and knows what she's doing.  I don't know how she works though without some kind of protective shoes. 🤭