How did you start your favorite tech related hobby?

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    • 358 posts
    February 22, 2024 5:09 PM PST

    Back in 2007, I was part of a massive website for plushie fans of Webkinz.  This website was built on vBulletin 3.  The way this site was custom designed, it did not even look like a message board until you went into the forum and sub-categories.  Not only was I a fan of these plushies because I was raising a daughter that was also hooked on Webkinz, but I quickly became a fan of writing along with other people on lots of topics. 

    I wanted my own website and that's how I got started.  My husband bought me a server and an IT acquaintance helped me to get my first vBulletin website on a local server so I can set it up.  This was around 2009.  I've had websites since then and I've loved the experience in meeting new people, and having great discussions.

    What fascinated you and how did you get started?